Maximum power will be delivered by a network to the load, if the impedance of the network (ZN) is a complex conjugate of load impedance (ZL) and vice versa.
If we make XL = XN and RL = RN, maximum power will be transformed from the network to the load. For maximum power transfer, load impedance (ZL) should be complex conjugate of the network impedance (ZN).
The maximum power transferred is given by
object: To verify maximum power transfer theorem.
Circuit Diagram
DRB = Delete Resistance Box, DIB = Decade
Inductor Box, DCB = Decade Capacitor Box
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Set the input signal (say 1 V, 1 kHz).
3. Set the network DRB and DIB at some random value say (1K Ω& 1mH)
4. Set the load DRB to the value equal to
network DRB (1kΩ) and vary the DCB of the load in regular steps.
5. Note down the corresponding voltmeter and
ammeter readings.
6. Plot the graph: Power vs Capacitance
7. Now set the load reactance equal to the
network reactance.
8. Vary the DRB of the load in regular steps.
9. Note down the corresponding voltmeter and
ammeter readings.
10. Plot the graph: Power vs Load resistance.
11. Compare the peak power in both the cases.
Tabular Column
Model graph