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Outdoor Live Tank Vacuum Circuit Breakers - PCOB

Schneider Electric are market leaders in medium voltage switchgear. The live tank outdoor breakers (PCOB) are highly reliable and cost effective due to their long life cycle and low maintenance requirements.

  • 12-36 kV, up to 25kA, 2000A
  • Epoxy Moulded interrupters at 12kV
  • Form AM mechanism
  • Robust vacuum interrupters
  • Comply with IEC/IS standards

Downloads : 

Reference : Schneider Electric (Products and Services > MV Circuit Breakers > Outdoor Circuit Breakers > Outdoor Live Tank Vacuum Circuit Breakers -  PCOB)


about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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