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MV Vacuum Contactors - CPX, CLX, CBX

This proven range of vacuum contactors offers the best solution to suit MV feeders for industrial projects. They have a fast switching rate and a long mechanical life. Fitted with an electronic auxiliary supply control device, CBX and CLX provides an energy efficient solution.

  • The design and contact materials fulfil the general requirements for contactor applications of motor starters, transformers or capacitor bank feeders (inc back-to-back installations) in various industrial sectors.
  • CPX – the most compact design for 3.6 kV applications. The low energy use for its operation allows the use of an ingenious combination of parallel and serial supply for closing coil as an economic circuit.
  • Slimline CLX, offering front access to terminals, for motor starters up to 7.2 kV.
  • CBX has a cubic arrangement for 7.2 kV and 12 kV applications and is available with single or three-phase. A mechanical interlock between two contactors is available for motor reverser applications.
  • The CLX & CBX contactors come with electronic auxiliary supply (EAS) as standard equipment.
  • Meets or exceeds international standards.
- Catalogue

Reference : Schneider Electric (Products and Services > MV Circuit Breakers > Indoor Circuit Breakers > CPX, CLX, CBX)

about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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