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MV circuit-breakers up to 17.5 kV LF

Range of circuit-breakers up to 17.5 kV:

  • Fixed or withdrawable switchgear with front operating mechanism.
  • 3 poles integrated in a "sealed pressure system" type insulating enclosure, filled with SF6 and equipped with a pressure switch.
  • Stored energy electrical operating mechanism for remote opening and closing of the circuit-breaker.
  • Nominal current from 630 to 5000 A.
  • Short-circuit current from 25 to 50 kA.

  • Supporting frame equipped with rollers and ground fixing brackets for a fixed installation.
  • Keylock for locking the circuit-breaker in open position.
  • 42-pin Harting type LV connector.

 Downloads : 
- Catalog pages
- Environment
- Specification
- Tech leaflets
- Tech publications

Reference : Schneider Electric (Products and Services > MV Circuit Breakers > Indoor Circuit Breakers > LF)

MV circuit-breakers up to 17.5 kV  LF

about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


  1. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information MV Switchgear


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