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Type PMI, 38-72.5 kV, up to 40 kA Power Circuit Breaker

       With a large installed base and proven track record, the PMI breaker offers unequalled performance and reliability. 
       The 72PMI breaker principally consists of three cast aluminum single-piece tanks, each containing an interrupter unit, mounted on a galvanized steel support structure. Two bushings with removable current transformers mount atop each tank. A steel control cabinet is attached to the frame, while three spring-hydraulic mechanisms located within the cabinet deliver independent pole operation.  

Downloads :-
- Article
- Data sheet

Reference : ABB (ABB/High Voltage Products/Circuit Breakers/Dead Tank Circuit Breakers)


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hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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