The circuit breakers for the highest ratings belong to the HPL family of puffer breakers. It is primarily used for applications requiring high rated short-circuit breaking currents above 50 kA. The HPL is ABB's primary offerings for low temperature requirements down to -60 °C.. It provides unmatched switching performance with a rated current up to 6,000 A and a maximum breaking capacity up to 80 kA for all HPL breakers. The HPL circuit breakers use spring drive operating mechanisms to ensure the highest network reliability.
Customer benefits:
Customer benefits:
- Designed for Switchsync and OLM2
- Operation temperature from -60 °C to +70 °C
- Composite or porcelain insulators
- High seismic withstand
- More 15,000 references
- 50 and 60 Hz
- Type tested in accordance with IEC and ANSI standards
Downloads :-
- Brochure
- Certificate
- Product guide
Reference : ABB (ABB/High Voltage Products/Circuit Breakers/Live Tank Circuit Breakers)
HPL B Circuit Breaker