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Rolling Stock AC Vacuum Circuit Breaker - ACTrac

Single pole vacuum circuit breaker for rolling stock applications
Main features
- Modular design
- Design based on best industrial practises and well proven technologies from ABB
- Vacuum interrupter electrically controlled including self-monitoring functions
- Pole integrated over current detection
- Fully type tested in accordance with IEC 60077
- Maintenance-free

- Device mounted surge arrester (class 2) between the circuit breaker and the traction transformer
- Integrated earthing switch (left or right handed, manual operation)
- Integrated safety interlocking and key system 
Downloads :-
- Leaflet

Reference : ABB (ABB/Medium Voltage Products & Systems/Circuit Breakers/AC Rolling Stock Circuit Breakers)


about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


  1. The blog is about ABB Rolling Stock AC Vacuum Circuit Breaker. You can find all details related to ABB VCB with the help of VidyutBazar's website https://vidyutbazar.com/bazardirectory/abb-vcb-vacuum-circuit-breaker-maharashtra/


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