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SION Vacuum Circuit-Breaker

Siemens\Power distribution\Medium Voltage Indoor Devices\Indoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker\SION Vacuum Circuit-Breaker    
  The newest Vacuum Circuit Breaker generation of Siemens (called SION) was successfully introduced in January 2006. Since this time the SION VCB family has been developed as the global platform for all kinds of applications in medium voltage.
  All newly developed Air insulated switchgears of Siemens are based on the SION platform. Around the world more than 100 panel builders (OEM) have choosen SION as VCB for there own AIS.
       SION vacuum circuit-breakers control all standard switching duties in medium-voltage distribution systems and are suitable for installation in all customary, new, air-insulated medium-voltage switchgear types as well as for retrofitting existing switchgear. They are applicable for operation of e.g. overhead lines, cables, transformers, generators, capacitors, filter circuits, motors and reactors. The comprehensive installation accessories enable easy integration in the panel and form, maximally equipped as a slide-in module with earthing switch.
Contents :
- Catalogue
- Leaflet
- Presentation
- Retrofit für Mittelspannungsschaltanlagen (in German)
- Technical Publications

Video :
Video SION - Siemens

SION circuit-breaker drawout-version

SION slide-in module

Reference : siemens ( siemens\power distribution\Medium Voltage Indoor Devices\Indoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker)

SION Vacuum Circuit-Breaker

about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


  1. Above Blog provides the details of Siemens Vacuum Circuit Breaker (SION). To know Siemens VCB Suppliers and Dealers, visit https://vidyutbazar.com/bazardirectory/siemens-vcb-vacuum-circuit-breaker

  2. Thank You For Sharing Great Information. for more details something like visit vaccum circuit breaker types get more informations.


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