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Life-Tank Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker 3AF0

Minimum maintenance and high operational safety
       Our live-tank circuit breakers 3AF0 excel in their ability to reliably switch off overhead lines. The special technical features of live-tank design are, that the interrupter chamber is situated in the weatherproof porcelain or composite material insulator and is at high potential (or: live). With live-tank designs, the voltage level determines the length of the insulators for the interrupter chamber and the insulator column. Our live-tank circuit breakers 3AF0 are totally restrike-free and offer reliable operation through their spring stored-energy operating mechanism.

Easy to install, operate and maintain ;
        Due to their modular structure and lightweight components, our live-tank circuit breakers 3AF0 can easily be transported to their installation site. Their switching function is based on the same, well-proven components we use for our indoor circuit breakers. In addition, they can be optimally adapted to each application using current and voltage transformers. And since they contain very few moving parts, our live-tank circuit breakers 3AF0 are virtually maintenance-free.
Optimized reliability and operational safety :
        The sealed pole design makes them suitable for all environments. In addition, all live-tank circuit breakers up to 40.5 kV conform to the new IEC 62271-100 (the new standard for circuit breakers) and all models have been type-tested at the independent KEMA laboratory in the Netherlands.

Downloads :

- Outdoor vacuum circuit-breakers and reclosers for medium voltage

Reference : siemens   ( siemens\power distribution\Medium Voltage Outdoor Devices)

Life-Tank Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker 3AF0

about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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