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Dog House Vacuum Circuit Breaker - EOX

EOX is a compact dead tank vacuum circuit breaker for use in primary distribution substation applications. It is characterized by its “Dog House” design.

NEW - EOX MAGnetic - introduces magnetic actuators to the well proven EOX product range. The EOX MAGnetic circuit breaker is guaranteed for a minimum of 30,000 mechanical operations requiring no adjustment & minimal maintenance. The innovative design uses a single coil for both opening and closing, with no critical friction parts. Electronic coil management ensures low operating energy requirements.

  • Ratings up to 15 / 25 kV / 40 / 31.5 kA, 2000A
  • Mechanical drive with reduced number of moving parts
  • Legs can be adjusted to specific heights
  • NEMA 3R designed cabinet
  • Porcelain bushings
  • Complete stainless steel cabinet optional.
  • Compliant with ANSI standards up to 31.5 kA

Downloads : 

Reference : Schneider Electric (Products and Services > MV Circuit Breakers > Outdoor Circuit Breakers > Dog House Vacuum Circuit Breaker -  EOX)


about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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