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Dead-Tank Outdoor Circuit Breaker SDV6

Extended ratings and reliability : 
       In 2006, Siemens introduced the new global class dead-tank SDV6 outdoor vacuum circuit breaker with the trustworthy Siemens 3AH3 vacuum circuit breaker. Designed specifically for the U.S. ANSI market, the stationary distribution vacuum circuit breaker has passed the entire ANSI type-testing program and provides a significant increase in performance over its predecessor, the SDV4A, in a full range for three voltage classes (15 kV, 27.6 kV, 38 kV) and up to 40 kA. Each group is specifically designed to optimize space and material for the voltage class while retaining common features across the entire product line.

Superior dead-tank design : 
        The distinguishing feature of SDV6 dead-tank technology is that the interrupter chambers are accommodated in an earthed metal housing. With the 3AH3 vacuum interrupter, the poles are mounted directly onto the operator. A gearbox allows for quieter operation with reduced vibration. All key components are accessible from the front for easy servicing. However, in outdoor applications maintenance is only needed at a 5 year/’10,000 operations on any circuit’ interval, if the ANSI ‘usual service’ conditions are applied.

Meeting the most demanding requirements :
       The SDV6 outdoor vacuum circuit breaker can be provided with the capability of maintaining structural integrity during and following seismic disturbances as appropriate for the specified UBC zones 1-4. In addition, the SDV6 meets the following standards:
  • IEEE C37.04-1999 Rating Structure for A-C HV Circuit breakers
  • IEEE C37.09-1999 Test Procedure for A-C HV Circuit breakers
  • IEEE C37-06-200X Draft 7.8 (September 2006) Preferred Ratings A-C HV Circuit breakers
  • NEMA SG-4-2000 A-C HV Circuit breakers
Downloads :

- Catalogue ,  
- Outdoor vacuum circuit-breakers and reclosers for medium voltage 

Reference : siemens (siemens\power distribution\Medium Voltage Outdoor Devices)

Dead-Tank Outdoor Circuit Breaker SDV6

about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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