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Conductivity of a Semiconductor

       The Ohm's law for the conduction current states that,
                   J = σ  E   where σ  = Conductivity
       While the total drift current density of a semiconductor is given by,
                   J = Jn + Jp = (n μn +p μp) q E
       Thus comparing the two equations, the conductivity of a semiconductor is given by,
                   σ  = (n μn + p μp) q (Ω-m)-1
       This is general expression of the conductivity of a semiconductor. From this, conductivity of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors can be obtained.
       Thus the conductivity of a semiconductor depends on,
i) The concentration of electrons and holes i.e. n and p.
ii) The mobilities of electron and hole i.e. μn and μp.
iii) The charge on one electron i.e. q.

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hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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