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Function of Protective Relaying

Protective Relaying (Part6)      
       The various functions of protective relaying are :
1. The prompt of the component which is behaving abnormally by closing the trip circuit of the circuit breaker or to sound an alarm.
2. To disconnect the abnormally operating part so as to avoid the damage or interference within effective operation of the rest of the system.
3. To prevent the subsequent faults by disconnecting the abnormally operating part.
4. To disconnect the faulty part as quickly as possible so as to minimise the damage to the faulty part itself. For example, if there is a winding fault in a machine and if it persists for a long time then there is a possibility of the damage of the entire winding. As against this, if it is disconnected quickly then only few coils may get damaged instead of the entire winding.
5. To restrict the spreading of the effect of fault causing least interference to the rest of the healthy system. Thus by disconnecting the faulty part, the fault effects gets localized.
6. To improve the system performance, system reliability, system stability. Thus the protective relaying plays an important role in sensing the faults, minimizing the effects of faults and minimizing the damage due to the faults.
       The faults can not be completely avoided but can be minimised. Thus the protective relaying plays an important role in sensing the faults, minimizing the effects of faults and minimizing the damage due to the faults.

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about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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