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  1. Best Investments For Retirement Planning
    People invest for many reasons. As a hobby, for their ego’s sake or to meet a medium-term goal, such as paying for college.
    All are reasonable choices, as far as that goes. Investing as a form of entertainment is no sin. Certainly CNBC would cease to exist, otherwise.
    But most of us have a real, long-term goal. However you choose to express it, retirement, your golden years, the day you stop working — it’s all about living off your money rather than continuing to work solely to make more.
    The distinction is important. You might choose to work in order to stay active. But the goal here is to make work a true choice, not a necessity.
    Retirement planning as a concept has a lot of moving parts. Insurance, living arrangements, health care and travel budgeting. Taxes are a surprisingly big issue, as many new retirees soon learn.



Power Generation : Introduction

       The energy is neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be converted from one from to another. The generation of an electrical energy is nothing but the conversion of various other forms of energy into an electrical energy. The various energy sources which are used to generate an electrical energy on the large scale are stem obtaining by burning coal, oil, natural gas, water stored in dams, diesel oil, nuclear power and other nonconventional energy sources. The electrical power is generated in bulk at the generation stations which are also called power stations. Depending upon the source of energy used, these stations are called thermal power stations, hydroelectric power station, diesel power station, nuclear power station etc.
This generated electrical energy is demanded by the consumers. Hence the generated electrical power is to be supplied to the consumers. Generally the power stations are located too far away from the town and cities where electrical energy is demanded. Hence there exists a large network of conductors between the power stations and the consumers. This network is broadly classified into two parts.
1. Transmission          2. Distribution
In the next articles. we will discuss the basic elements of a typical transmission and distribution scheme. These articles also include the various distribution systems and related calculation. At the end they include discussion of EHV AC and HVDC transmission.

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about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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