The increasing demand for energy leads to higher short circuit currents in low voltage distribution networks. This places heavy demands on protective devices in terms of safety, reliability and breaking capacity.
High Performance Miniature Circuit-Breakers are protective devices for applications in buildings, industry and commerce.
The product series S700 and S750 are selective main circuit breakers (SMCB) with unique selective features to upstream and downstream protective devices. They are particularly suitable for the use in distribution circuits of industrial / building installation and meter cabinets / enclosures according to national rules and habits.
The product series S500 and S800 are current and energy limiting MCBs with a maximum rated ultimate short-circuit capacity of 100 kA Icu. They offer many different variants - almost any AC / DC applications as well as applications such as photovoltaics can be covered. The S500 is characterized by the adjustable rated current as well as by the possibility to generate a circuit breaker based on specific customer requirements.
Typical features of these devices:
Downloads :-
- Application note
- Brochure
- Catalogue
- Course description
- Leaflet
- Software
- Technical description
Reference : ABB (ABB/Low voltage products and systems/Circuit Breakers/Air Circuit Breakers)