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HIS (Highly Integrated Switchgear) 8DQ1 up to 550 kV

       You needn't have any space worries with HIS, the gas-insulated switchgear for indoor and outdoor use, because HIS requires less than half the space of a comparable air-insulated switch-gear. 

        The 8DQ1 type HIS is a compact switchgear solution for a rated voltage of up to 550 kV, used mainly for renewal or expansion of air-insulated outdoor and indoor substations, particularly if the operator wants to carry out modifications while the switchgear is in service.
        With new construction projects, high site prices and increasingly complex approval procedures mean that space requirement is the prime factor in costing.
        With the HIS solution, the circuit-breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches and transformers are accommodated in compressed gas-tight enclosures and at minimum 5 independent gas compartments, thus rendering the switchgear extremely compact. 

 downloads :-
- Leaflet
- In-out-scheme with OHL interface
- Duplicate busbar arrangement with OHL interface
- Bus coupler bay
- Comparison 1.5 CB arrangement

Reference : siemens (siemens\Power Transmission\High Voltage Substations)

HIS (Highly Integrated Switchgear) 8DQ1 up to 550 kV

about author

hamada i'm hamada rageh electrical power engineer my talent to write articles about electrical engineering and i depend on google books site to write my articles


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